Wednesday, May 03, 2006

All In

So we set up a place, lit it, mic'ed it and got down to it tonight. Everyone is really excited.
I asked Jordan how the performances looked. There were none, he said. Just people talking and interacting. Aha.
That's what the director ordered. Except I didn't order it. I allowed it. Brings meditation to mind.
Setting up a structure in which to explore, moment to moment.
I have the suspicion that I am on to something profound beyond getting a film out of this.
I'm really learning something about letting go. Since I'm not so good at letting go of the reins, it actually requires more energy than taking hold of them. I suspect that will change with continued practice. Makes sense why I'm resistant to letting go however -- it doesn't come easy.

We missed Rose tonight.

Tara made it and I was happy to see the energy she brought to the group.



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